Is an organic fertilizer, formulated as liquid mixture of complexed trace elements with a high percentage of humic extract, to improve the physical-chemical and biological soil properties, increasing the CEC. Chemical Composition: Total organic matter 1.7% Boron 2.4% Iron 0.6% Manganese 0.6% Molybdenum 0.06% Zinc 0.01% Total nitrogen 30% Organic carbon 36.6%

Technical Office
Technical Office Marketing
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* A compound with a high content of organic matter

* It contains dubal acids (humic acid) and boils a high percentage of acids

* fulvic Contains a mixture of microelements

* The elements are completely complexed on lignosulfonic acid by technology Legnovirtic

* Sodium and chlorine free

* Mixable with many fertilizers and pesticides

* acidic compound

* Formulated without chlorine, sodium and heavy elements

Crop Application Data Min L / Fed / Appl Max L / Fed / Appl

Injection dose

150/ 100Lit 200/ 100Lit

Injection dose

150/ 100 Lit 200/ 100Lit

Injection dose

1L/ fed 1L/ Fed

Injection dose

1L/ Fed 1L/ Fed

Injection dose

1L/ Fed 1L/ Fed

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5 Lit 20 Lit

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